
Emilio Vedova

In-finitum at Palazzo Fortuny

The exhibition In-Finitum is a third part of the trilogy which started in 2007 with Artempo. As we had been terribly touched, impressed and inspired by Artempo in 2007 which was also held at Palazzo Fortuny, We have desired to be back to this place desperately. We can say that we came to Venezia again for this exhibition.

Anyway we were again knocked out.The room for exhibition was expanded to the attic as if the art itself expanded (the curious thing is that the expanded area was connected to something like Wabi-Sabi), and the installation of James Turrell was at the same place where it had been in 2007 as if it had remained there waiting for us to come back.

We could not take photo inside, the following pictures are from the official web-site.

Punta della Dogata

53rd Venezia Biennale, Arsenale Novissimo, Unconditional Love


53rd Biennale - Alessandro Pessoli

One of the best works in 53rd Venezia Biennale.


53rd Biennale - Egypt, Lightly Monumental by Adel el Siwi & Ahmad Askalany

53 Biennale - Jan Hafstrom, The Eternal Return

53rd Venezia Biennale - Making World, Fare Mondi!!

We had finally decided to come to Venezia again -3rd time for me-, not to miss the opportunity to see works making world. This title 'Making World' necessarily reminds us of La Creation du Monde (The Creation of the World) by Jean-luc Nancy. It seems that we are all called unconditionally to join in making world.

The facade of main pavilion in Giardini by John Baldessari compled us to face the horizon, the horizon very far at the same time very close in front of me, something timeless like Sea of Hiroshi Sugimoto.